Saturday, December 4, 2010

Useful Tricks For Weight Loss Without Exercise

Useful Tricks For Weight Loss Without Exercise

Losing weight without exercising is possible to a certain degree, but realistically, you should only expect to lose a small percentage of weight this way. Reaching your ultimate weight loss goal will be almost impossible without exercising at least some of the time. Also, you should keep in mind that weight loss is NOT exactly the same as fat loss. Some people can manage to lose a lot of weight in a short time but, the loss may be mostly made up of protein, water and some other nutrients, and only a small amount coming from stored body fat. If this is the case, then most of the weight will probably be regained at a later date!

Use a Food Journal to Record Everything That is Eaten

When someone tries to lose without exercise, her diet needs to be almost perfect. The best way to analyze a diet and be sure how many calories are consumed every day is to keep a food journal. Starting a food journal before the weight loss is even attempted can make it much easier for the person to start out her diet on the right path.

In the food journal everything that is eaten should be written down, no matter how small. Even a single jellybean needs to be recorded in the journal. For the first few days add up the calories and determine the starting point, then adjustments can be made from there. As the diet continues, a food journal should still be kept so that the person stays focused on the diet and keeps the diet clean and healthy.

White Foods Need To Be Replaced By Whole Grains

One of the best ways to lose weight without exercise is by substituting the “white” processed foods in a diet for whole grains. Such things as white bread, white rice, and pasta noodles should be substituted for whole grain bread, brown rice, and whole grain or whole wheat noodles.

The reason why these whole grain foods help people lose weight is because they have a lot of fiber in them and they are not full of processed, empty calories. When an individual consumes more fiber they get full faster and feel full longer, which means ultimately less food is eaten. It may take awhile to get used to the whole grain substitutes but after awhile most people don’t even miss the white foods.
Eat Smaller More Frequent Meals to Lose Weight

Instead of three large meals, try eating five small meals throughout the day or at least three medium size meals with two small snacks. This helps prevent overeating at a meal and helps to keep the metabolism stable throughout the day.

When two or three large meals are eaten in a day, the tendency to overeat due to being overly hungry is very common. Also, when the body goes hungry it slows down the metabolism and if someone is trying to lose weight without exercising, the metabolism needs to be as high as possible. On the other hand, five small meals are eaten every day the body stays fueled all day long and that prevents overeating. These five small meals should be healthy foods that are full of vitamins and nutrients and stay within a person’s allotted calorie range to help them lose weight without exercise.

When it comes to losing weight without exercise, the weight may not come off as fast as most people like it to. If someone is looking to lose weight faster, some sort of physical activity should be added into the day. It doesn’t have to be an intense hour long workout but even taking a 10 minute walk can help increase the weight loss.

Quick Fat Loss Tricks

    * A good fat burning trick is to begin with a breakfast that can help kick-start the fat burning process. Protein rich foods, such as omelettes or even a protein shake can be a great start to the day. Although, you should make sure the portion size is kept small as you won’t want to add unnecessary calories to the diet. Eating high protein foods can increase your metabolism by up to 25%, giving a great boost to results over the first few months of any weight loss program. With correct dietary tricks you won’t need to wait until the workout to start burning the fat!
    * Always try to do some form of exercise in the morning, preferably before breakfast. This is usually a good exercise time to do it because the body’s fat burning is set and readily available. Eating breakfast before exercising provides extra blood sugar which will be used during the exercise period over stored body fat. If you’re too hungry or your blood sugar is low, then maybe a banana would be a good choice as its light in calories and will give just a little sugar to help push you through the exercise session. If morning exercise is out of the question, then try for mid-afternoon.
    * Eat within half hour after exercising. Exercise causes the enzymes that process nutrients to be highly active, thus eating at this stage makes sure all nutrition and energy is utilized for recovery and replenishment purposes and less likely to be stored as fat you’ve just burnt off! This is also a great time to eat your highest calorie meal of the day.
    * Try not to eat late at night. Our metabolism slows down towards bedtime, so eating late means any calories have a greater chance for storage as fat. If you must eat, just snack on fruit or something just as light.
    * If you would like a supplement to boost your fat burning potential then think about taking L-Carnitine. This is an amino acid in protein, especially red meat. It has been shown to push body fat into the cells and prompts it to be burned as fuel. Many competitive bodybuilders use L-Carnitine when cutting up for a show. The supplement is also safe to use by anyone and does not have any side effects. Just follow the directions in the instructions.

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